Our Team:
Tara Foreman, Lead Pastor
"I am a Hope College graduate and received an M.Div from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Before moving to Muskegon I lived in the great city of Cincinnati, OH. My family and I are proud core city neighbors and feel God’s call to live out a ministry of reconciliation, justice and most of all, love. In my free time I enjoy yoga, photography, reading, good conversation (preferably paired with good food and drink!), dinner dates with my husband, Mark, playing board games with my boys or cheering for them at soccer games. After many years living out of state, I also enjoy summer trips up north or a trip down the road to the Big Lake!
Jill Young, Next Generation Pastor
Jill comes to us through a long journey in ministry. The preschool coordinator at Gracepoint Church in Atlanta, and Women’s & Children’s Minister at Calvary Church Muskegon, she and and husband Paul have served in ministry on and off for two decades. They attended Lipscomb University, a Church of Christ Bible College, in Nashville Tennessee together. They have 4 children, Mack, Champ, James and Delaney, and spend their spare time coaching sports and keeping up with their busy family. Jill is passionate about helping kids and teens establish and maintain healthy roots in faith communities, and walking with them as they learn to love God & be good neighbors.
Gloria Slater, Admin Assistant
Gloria was born and raised in Muskegon. She has lived here all her life except for four years in Escanaba. She grew up attending First Reformed Church on Ada and Williams and is a Big Red alumna.
Gloria and Chet married in 2005. Between them, they have seven children, twelve grandchildren and six great grands. They’ve been members of Bethany since 2009.
Her hobbies include golf, artistic projects, gardening and – most of all – her rescue pets. She volunteers for Tiny N Tall Rescue in Chicago, IL and loves to transport Great Danes! (and would rather keep them all, but Chet says ‘no!’)
Her ministry at Bethany includes assisting the Deacons as they strive to meet the various needs of our neighbors, assisting Rita with the Grab n Go Refrigerator and being a friendly voice to our neighbors who call.
Rita Hannah, Reception/BOdy & SOUL COORDINATOR
Rita is a proud member of Bethany Church and is thankful for their willingness to support her in AmeriCorps service for the past three years. As a part of AmeriCorps program, MI Safe Routes to Health, Rita supplies fresh fruits and veggies to our neighbors in the community, serves food and shares healthy recipes at Twice Fed. She also regularly leads a class called “Fresh Conversations” both on Zoom and in-person to help spread the word on healthy eating and living. In the summers she organizes a walking group and anyone is invited. She encourages everyone to get fit - one bite at a time!
MIchele GOrdon, Facilities
Michele came to Bethany in 1986 or 87. Back when she was Michael Edward she worked 40 years at Brunswick, retiring in 2006. She started working at Bethany in 2008. She has two children of her own and three others she helped raise.
From 1967-70 she was in the U.S. Army, stationed in Alaska and Colorado. She has lost her mom, dad, sister and three brothers and is now the only surviving member of her biological family.
She is considered a two-spirit person by her adoptive Native American family; combining both elements of male and female, mostly female. She prefers she/her pronouns but doesn’t get upset if she is misgendered.
She is a proud member of Alcoholics Anonymous and is over 40 years sober. Thanks to God and AA.
She especially enjoys running the elevator and working in the kitchen at Bethany. She thanks the Bethany family for their love, acceptance and support as she tries to live her truth as a woman as much as possible.
At Bethany, our governing body is what we call the “Council”. The church council is composed of 12 members: 6 Elders and 6 Deacons. The council officers serve as an Administrative Team. Our Council seeks to serve the greater membership of Bethany by leading us toward our ultimate goal of growth in faith in Jesus Christ and are charged with upholding the vision and mission of our church. One of the ways our council supports this goal is through the regular care for and gathering of what we call “Family Groups.”
Deacons are chosen to give leadership to diaconal ministry. In this ministry, deacons empower members of Bethany and partner with neighboring churches, Christian services, and local social agencies. Diaconal Ministry, to touch people’s lives as Christ’s hands and feet, focuses mainly on the following areas:
Compassion: Deacons model and demonstrate compassion to those who are hurting with words of hope and actions for encouragement.
Community Ministry: Deacons model and encourage the congregation to be engaged in community ministry within our local community.
Stewardship: Deacons encourage church members to be stewards of God’s creation and to practice authentic stewardship with their time, talents, and money.
Justice: Deacons model and encourage the congregation to be advocates for and with the marginalized and vulnerable people in our local community.
The elders, with the ministers, oversee the doctrine and life of the members of the Bethany and fellow office bearers, they exercise admonition and discipline along with pastoral care in the congregation, participate in and promote evangelism, and defend the faith. Elders focus on:
Pastoral Care: Calling Elders in particular make visits to those within their district in need of prayer, guidance or care.
Spiritual Formation: Elders oversee the spiritual growth of church members. This includes welcoming of visitors and new members, providing education and growth opportunities.
Worship: Elders are responsible for the worshiping life of the church. They ensure that our worship is Christ-centered and God-glorifying. They are charged with overseeing the preaching and administering the sacraments.